Sunday, August 24, 2008

The best day of this summer

Ok, so it is Sunday and I am at work. Totally normal for me. Also normal: I'm not working but rather avoiding it until the numbers on the clock shock me into submission to get at least something done to justify yet another weekend sacrificed to the dissertation.

Saturday was a fun day. Well, I did work on a plan for the fall in the morning, but most of the day I spent at the State Fair with my hubby and our friends. It was a blast from the beginning to the end!

First, we subjected ourselves to watching animals giving birth. I'm not sure why we decided to do that actually, because none of us really wanted to watch it, but somehow it translated into a fun idea for a group activity. Go figure! Then we (ahem, boys) gawked at bunch of tractors and other boring machinery stuff. And in between, we ate bunch of fried food. I tried to stay away from it as much as possible. Somehow even if you know that the food is bad for your health AND it also tastes bad, there is still a fair amount of temptation to eat it. I got no clue why!

I also picked up a bunch of brochures for green living. We are planning to buy a house next year and I'm looking forward to all the things we can do with it, especially eco-friendly things. My hubby is not entirely thrilled with my enthusiasm, but as long as he lets me dream, I got a chance :) So far the only dream that has been crushed is a green roof. Yeah. He was pretty clear that ain't gonna happen. Oh well, I still got my dream of composting. Oh, and he does not know about it yet. Shhh. He is not ready for it yet.

The last thing we did at the fair is go on a water ride. The sun has already set and it was somewhat chilly so obviously it was a good time to get wet. It was a great ride though.

Since it wasn't that late yet and we didn't feel like being at the fair any longer yet not ready to part our ways for the night, we decided to get together for a drink and a game of cards. The decision was cemented by our bus driver who decided we really needed a blast of air-conditioned air to dry our clothes. A sip of cognac never looked more appealing than during that ride. I ended up drinking mojitos though. We were laughing the whole evening and it was a perfect ending to the perfect day. I haven't had a day like this for a really long time...

But today... Today I am at work, fighting a headache and general unwillingness to do anything.
But the clock is ticking.

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