Friday, September 5, 2008

Thank you Jesus!

That's what I've been saying all evening long.

I've met with my advisor today and addressed the issue of the oral exam head on. I pressed for answers and did not quit until I got a sufficiently clear answer. And the outcome was quite great!

First of all, I've got a good idea of what to study. It is still a lot, but the majority of the stuff is directly relevant to my research, which is what I wanted. There is some tangential stuff that really will not be THAT relevant, but I have to admit I got to know those basics for my own confidence.

Second of all, I've got a couple of nice questions I haven't thought of before, and addressing them might make my research proposal more solid.

Third, I got some books and arranged semi-regular future meetings with the advisor to discuss questions and such. Both of these will make my study more focused. Ahh, I have not felt that good about studying something for quite awhile. I'm sure I'll have plenty of lows in the months ahead but tonight I'm celebrating and thanking God! I've been praying about this meeting and I'm so thankful that God has listened!

The oral exam did get postponed till end of November. My advisor (note to self: think of a nickname for the guy!) insisted on it because he wants me not to just get by but pass it with excellence. Well, I don't see anything wrong with barely passing an exam, but hey let's just take this as him wanting to see me succeed.

Even though this ordeal has been stressful and painful, I realized that I've accomplished a huge to-do item on my list for this week: figure out topics to study!

Thank you Jesus!

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