Sunday, August 31, 2008

The draft is getting better!

My eyes are shot now. I've been working on and off the whole day and staring at the computer screen has finally gotten to me. Despite working from 10 am to 6:30 pm, I'm behind. I still have about 1/3 of my draft to go through. I wanted it to be finished today, but alas it will have to be tomorrow. My eyes need rest. And so does my brain.

The good news is that the other 2/3 of the paper somehow formed into a decent draft which I'm not embarrassed to show to my co-authors. I still have lots of doubts and concerns, but I just have to plug away and keep on fixing things one by one.

Tomorrow will be another hard day, but hopefully not as hard as today was. I also hope I won't fall into my Saturday's dread all over again. Did I mention I got nothing done on Saturday? Yep. Totally wasted the whole day. Oh well. At least I didn't waste today.

Now I'm off to go home and remind my hubby that I actually exist.

P.S. Almost forgot: today is the last day of summer (calendar-wise). How sad is that?

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