Monday, August 11, 2008

Habit #1: Write a plan for the day

I have a post in mind to outline the rules of this blog, but it will have to wait. Today, I would like to announce the first habit I am working on in the month of August:
Habit #1: Start each morning with sketching a to-do list for the day.
  • Write down your expectations for the day. If the day is going to be busy with meetings, random phone calls and such, then include time for them on your list. If you plan to take rest, write down what you envision as a day well spent (TV all day? walk outside? revive an old knitting project? call home?). This way you'll be able to see progress at the end of each day and not feel guilty.
  • Be specific. If an item takes longer than 30 min to complete, it should be broken into smaller chunks.
  • Don't let the perfectionism get hold of you. The whole plan creation should take no more than 15 minutes, and a perfect item on the list should take about 15 minutes to complete.
  • Have the list ready before you start working. Either first thing in the morning before work, or as the last thing after work the day before, have the plan for the day ready.
I have been working on this habit since the beginning of August. Some days it works better than others, but it is too early to say if it is going to stick with me or not...

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