Monday, September 1, 2008

The first splash on the progress calendar is...

Yellow! If Paint had greenish yellow, it'd be that. Out of three things I needed to get done by today (hmm, yesterday actually, but let's pretend that since today is a holiday it kind of doesn't count. Lame. I know.)... so out of three things I did two: settled the oral exam date (not too time-consuming to do, but oh the psychological barriers it takes to overcome to set it up!) and sent out the first draft of my paper! The third item (figuring out chapters for my research proposal) was not that crucial anyways, but it still has to rollover to the next week's plan.

Somehow I don't feel the relief of sending out the draft. I've been slaving over it and over the last two days it turned into something half-decent. Something that I am not embarrassed to show to my co-authors. Sometimes it even felt that I nailed some ideas quite nicely and some sentences might actually be so good they might make it to the final draft. Seriously. This draft is a little victory for me, since all these thoughts have been gathering in my head for over a year now. It is time they come out in the open.

I'm giving my co-authors to get back to me by Friday. This Friday. Is it too soon? I find that revising someone else's draft is always easy and fast, as they have already laid the foundation and flushed out boring issues. Let's hope my co-authors feel the same way.

My eyes are tired again. Got to go home and (not) watch TV.

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