Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday - 1, School - 0

This Saturday has been a total waste. Although it's quite a regular occurrence, I still fail to prepare for it. Absence of must-do things like drive to work usually throw me for a loop and I end up wasting my whole day regretting every wasted minute at the same time.

I did some stuff around the house: did five loads of laundry, cleaned our bathtub and shower curtains (long overdue project!), cleaned up our kitchen, vacuumed and that's about it.

Even though I've done a lot of house chores, I still feel like a total failure because I did not do anything school-wise, watched way too much TV and ate too much too often.

I kept thinking to myself to just take it easy, take the day as it comes, without planning out every single step. Just do something that makes you happy, I told myself. But you know what, I just couldn't think of anything that would make me happy! I think grad school has killed my ability to be happy...

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