Monday, September 8, 2008

The second wind for planning

Oy, it's Monday after 6 pm. I got to start working on my diss. But I so. Don't. Want. To.

I was so energetic all day! I got started on important and urgent projects at work. The ones I'd be putting off for another 2-3 weeks, if I didn't have a super-duper shiny new planning technique. Which I learned yesterday. While avoiding my dissertation at all costs.

Now, I'm tired. What the heck?

I also felt noxious for most of the day. I think it's the office coffee that makes me queezy. I bet it's all this advisor-induced stress that apparently is causing some kind of heartburn. Great! The last thing I need is an ulcer!

I went to the gym. Again. It makes it 5 times in the last 7 days! That, my friends, is a personal record.

Are you wondering about the planning technique I mentioned above? No? Well, I'm telling you anyway. I found it Hyrum Smith's book. The idea is to prioritize your to-do list. First, you assess how much time you've got (minus meetings, interruptions, etc and also half your leftover estimate for good measure). Second, you write what you want to get done today. Third, label each task with A, B, or C, depending on the urgency of the task: A = Absolutely needs to be done, B = Better be done, C = Could be done. Then number tasks in each category according to the priority. Now you've got a linearly organized task list. Start from the top. Do not skip, do not move on to the next task, unless you are done with a more important one first.

So obviously I now have two lists: one for work, one for school. Except that I got no steam left for the school tasks. Shoot. And why is it that the most unpleasant task is ALWAYS at the top of the list. I mean a task which seemed so desirable when it was at the bottom of the list, becomes more and more repellent as it moves up. Why is it?

I got to tell you, my progress calendar looks downright depressing. True fall colors though!

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