Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My draft is back... I can barely recognize it :)

Ahhh! I got my draft back from one of the co-authors. You know how in Word you can keep track of changes? So my original text is in black, his corrections are in red. Guess how much red is there? About twice as much as on my progress calendar!! A ton! It is stressing me out to even look at it! Although I am very grateful that he was so incredibly thorough with it.

I also feel a little tinge of hurt pride because he didn't appreciate my favorite paragraph. He thought it wasn't phrased very well and was kind of misleading. And I thought it was my sharpest thought in the whole draft! Moreover, he thought that the order of the sections was incorrect, and I thought I found a nice way to explain things in a linear order. Hahaha! Oh well. This guy is very smart and thoughtful, and I respect him a great deal. So his opinion matters a lot to me. Back to the drawing board I go.

On the work front... I spent the whole day today working on the data analysis report. It looks like our intern did not do a very thorough job after all, so I ended up rerunning all of her codes and plots. I also had to fix some small blunders. So now I'm cross-eyed from staring at Matlab and Excel and Word all day.

I got to close all of them except for Word and stare now at my dissected, bleeding all over the screen, draft.

I really-really-really want to take some of the items of my planning lists (either for school or work), but it takes such a long time to get my top items done! I will regroup tomorrow focusing on making smaller, more doable (=fast!) goals and managing my time (because there are always more ways to plot and analyze data!).

* Image credit: http://www.assassinrecords.net

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