Friday, September 12, 2008

What are YOU complaining about?

To all grad students who have passed their oral exams, have finished (or close to finishing) their dissertation and are now looking for a job: Would you please stop complaining about how busy you are?

You work 20 hours a week. You can sleep for more than 8 hours a night. Your advisor wants you to graduate. Be happy!

Yes, looking for a job is daunting. But it does not take insane amounts of extra time. Your nerves, maybe. Time? Puhleeze.

Ugh, I am cranky. I just realized how much time I spend at work. It amounts to about 70-80 hours a week. This is insane and depressing. Especially given how little I've progressed in my dissertation. Which my advisor reminds me of often. But then, I will never be good enough for him.

I have to admit, reading other people complain makes me feel better somehow. So go on folks, never mind my self-pity party here, keep on complaining!

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